Artificial date palm Outdoor Coconut Tree

Artificial date tree Size:Customizable Material: Date Leaves: silk, plastic.. Trunk-fiberglass Artificial Date Tree support customization-Color ,size ,shape all can be customized according to your requirement! Our artificial date trees can meet the requirements of UV protection or fire protection!

Product Description

artificial date palm tree

Artificial Coconut Tree

Product Description of Artificial date tree
Size detail: size custom(Artificial Date Tree support customization-Color ,size ,shape all can be customized according to your requirement.)
Material: Date Leaves: silk, plastic... Trunk-Fiberglass, Reinforcement

Advantage of Artificial date palm Outdoor Coconut Tree:

1. Date is a symbol of happiness and auspiciousness. However, due to factors such as seasons, dates only bloom once a year. However, simulating a date tree compensates for this. Simulated date tree, also known as biomimetic date tree, or artificial date tree or fake date tree.

2. The simulated date tree symbolizes good luck, good luck, and good luck, commonly used in festivals and business opening ceremonies. The festive atmosphere created by hotels, villas, indoor spaces, office buildings, tourist attractions, amusement parks, communities, and other places is perfect.

3. The simulated date tree is a very realistic simulation tree, commonly used for indoor landscaping and decoration. It has both a festive and decorative aesthetic, and is often used as a simulation product for artificial landscapes. It is also popular in shopping malls, shops, hotels, and restaurants.


 Artificial date palm Tree

Artificial date palm Tree

Artificial date palm Tree

Artificial date Coconut Tree

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