Simulated Welcome Pine Beauty Pine Tree Chinese Wind Simulated Tree Artificial False Tree Hotel Mall Decoration

Artificial pine Tree Size: Customizable Material: pine Leaves: silk, plastic.. Brunch-wood Trunk-fiberglass Artificial pine Tree support customization-Color ,size ,shape all can be customized according to your requirement.

Product Description

Artificial False Tree


In recent years, there have been many applications of simulated pine trees for indoor and outdoor gold backbone. Urban landscapes require decorative handicrafts such as simulated pine trees to beautify. Simulated pine trees can also collide well with the indoor space and characteristics of the landscape, thereby arousing charm. Continuous improvement is sufficient for continuous development.

 Simulated Welcome Pine Beauty Pine Tree Chinese Wind Simulated Tree Artificial False Tree Hotel Mall Decoration

Artificial pine trees are evergreen, while strictly speaking, artificial pine trees are handicrafts. It has been widely used in the market. Its appearance, position, and decoration are easy to control and change. In real life, people can do anything according to the actual environment. The special aesthetic effects brought by decoration, greening, landscape layout, etc. are also being accepted and loved by more and more people.

Simulated Welcome Pine Beauty Pine Tree Chinese Wind Simulated Tree Artificial False Tree Hotel Mall Decoration


When creating a simulated pine tree, consideration will be given to the unique design of the main pole, the graceful and elegant design of the large pine tree, and the true brand image of the simulated pine tree, The most important thing is to integrate the scene, with a simple, lively and tidy design, but of course, it also needs to showcase elegance and simple beauty.

Simulated Welcome Pine Beauty Pine Tree Chinese Wind Simulated Tree Artificial False Tree Hotel Mall Decoration

Simulated Welcome Pine Beauty Pine Tree

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